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Class List - Fighter Support & Multi-discipline
This list is being updated, and we are seeking more classes and teachers - please contact Morgan to register a class!
Title | Instructor | Class Type | Description |
Fighter Franchise | Countess Brynhildr Ansvarsdottir | Any | This class focuses on how to present yourself and your image both on and off the field. |
Mindspace | Maestra Rosa Marcella | Any | This class focuses on how to get your mindspace ready for a fight, stay in the zone, and come down from physical activity. |
Objective-Based Teaching | HL Paul of Beckenham | Any | This class will show you how to teach a student with a primary goal, and how to find the associated fundamentals to get them to their goals. |
Senior Marshals | Master Jacques Luis de Normandie | Fighter Support | This class will offer Senior Marshal training and Authorizations for Heavy, Youth Heavy, Rapier, Youth Rapier, and Cut & Thrust. |
Fighter massage | HL Elizabeth Chandler | Fighter Support | This class will offer training & techniques for massage and muscle/core care for physical disciplines. |
Making a surcoat | SEEKING INSTRUCTOR | Fighter Support | This class will teach you how to pattern a surcoat to be worn while fighting. |
Waterbearing 101 | Baroness Milisandia filia Willelmi Filii Roberti | Fighter Support | This class will instruct you in a live environment in how to set up a proper water station, how to avoid problems distributing water, and keep your fighters hydrated. |
Warmups & drills to avoid injury | SEEKING INSTRUCTOR | Fighter Support | This class will focus on how to properly warm up and drills you can perform to reduce injury and strain as you train. |
Fighting as a Team Sport | Visconti Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia | Fighter Support | This class will go over the role & responsibilities of being a Consort, Inspiration, or support for a fighter in the SCA. |
Feeding your Fighter | Lady Mergret Dyer | Fighter Support | This class will focus on foods that are appropriate for both pre and post-combat for a healthy body. |
Field Heraldry | Sheriff Krista of Starfall | Fighter Support | A class focused on voice heralding for tournaments. |
Field First Aid | Lady Leah of Misty Shores | Fighter Support | This class will go over basic first aid for potential field injuries. |
Lists 101 | SEEKING INSTRUCTOR | Fighter Support | This class will teach you how to run Lists, including multiple tournament formats and brackets. |
Haymaker's Drink Making | Lady Mergret Dyer | Fighter Support | This class will show you how to create a Haymaker's Drink, the original "Medieval Gatorade" hydration mix! |
Junior Marshals | Master Jacques Luis de Normandie | Fighter Support | This class will give you the basics of marshaling for Heavy, Youth Heavy, Rapier, Youth Rapier, and Cut & Thrust and at its conclusion you will be authorized as a Junior Marshal. |
Processional, Intent, & Presentation | Princess Mina de filia Philipe | Fighter Support | This class for both fighters & inspirations is focused on the different types of processionals, letters of intent & how to write one, and how to present yourself before a Crown, Coronet, or Baronial Coronet when performing the pageantry of tournaments. |
Armor care & maintenance | Sheriff Krista of Starfall | Fighter Support | This class will focus on best practices for maintaining, cleaning, and repairing armor. It will be hands-on, so please feel free to bring items that need repair or cleaning. |
Bruise balms & salves | Lady Leah of Misty Shores | Fighter Support | This class will show you how to concoct your own salves & balms to repair after a long day of fighting. |
Build a field support kit | SEEKING INSTRUCTOR | Fighter Support | A hands-on class to build a field support kit. Will have a class fee, and you will go home with a functional kit. These also make excellent donations of Largesse! |
Best Practice for Pellwork | Lord Bjorn Hammerhand | Heavy | This class will show you the best ways to make use of a pell, and you may even be able to take home your own pell! |
Swords Have Points, and that's the point! | Viscount Antoine à la Langue d'Or | Heavy | Offense and defense with thrusts in heavy combat |
Demo 101 | HL Brandubh de Santini | Heavy | This class is designed to show heavy fighters what works well and what to stay away from when performing your sport at a public Demo. |
Worshipping at the Shrine of Range | Master Korwyn Marius Velis Ariannaid | Heavy | This class is about how to gauge range and find the sweet spot for yourself against any opponent. |
Reverse Engineering a Shot | Master Korwyn Marius Velis Ariannaid | Heavy | This class focuses on how to identify a shot you want to throw, and make it work for you. |
From Page to Practice | Catedratiaco Gregorio Cristovalez de la Vega | Rapier | How to take what you can read about techniques into actual use on the field. |
Intro to Smallsword | HL Morgan Wyrd | Rapier | An introduction to smallsword, with techniques, safety, and practice. |
Start fights like a Neapolitan | Master Hobbe Conyers | Rapier | This class teaches a practical toolkit of techniques used by 17th century Neapolitian rapier masters to begin an exchange with an advantage. |
Techniques for Cloak | Master Eoghan ÓBriain | Rapier | This class goes over the basics of using cloak as a defensive offhand. |
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