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Class List - Fighter Support & Multi-discipline

This list is being updated, and we are seeking more classes and teachers - please contact Morgan to register a class!

Class Type
Fighter Franchise
Countess Brynhildr Ansvarsdottir
This class focuses on how to present yourself and your image both on and off the field.
Maestra Rosa Marcella
This class focuses on how to get your mindspace ready for a fight, stay in the zone, and come down from physical activity.
Objective-Based Teaching
HL Paul of Beckenham
​This class will show you how to teach a student with a primary goal, and how to find the associated fundamentals to get them to their goals.
Senior Marshals
Master Jacques Luis de Normandie
Fighter Support
This class will offer Senior Marshal training and Authorizations for Heavy, Youth Heavy, Rapier, Youth Rapier, and Cut & Thrust.
Fighter massage
HL Elizabeth Chandler
Fighter Support
This class will offer training & techniques for massage and muscle/core care for physical disciplines.
Making a surcoat
Fighter Support
This class will teach you how to pattern a surcoat to be worn while fighting.
Waterbearing 101
Baroness Milisandia filia Willelmi Filii Roberti
Fighter Support
This class will instruct you in a live environment in how to set up a proper water station, how to avoid problems distributing water, and keep your fighters hydrated.
Warmups & drills to avoid injury
Fighter Support
This class will focus on how to properly warm up and drills you can perform to reduce injury and strain as you train.
Fighting as a Team Sport
Visconti Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia
Fighter Support
This class will go over the role & responsibilities of being a Consort, Inspiration, or support for a fighter in the SCA.
Feeding your Fighter
Lady Mergret Dyer
Fighter Support
This class will focus on foods that are appropriate for both pre and post-combat for a healthy body.
Field Heraldry
Sheriff Krista of Starfall
Fighter Support
A class focused on voice heralding for tournaments.
Field First Aid
Lady Leah of Misty Shores
Fighter Support
This class will go over basic first aid for potential field injuries.
Lists 101
Fighter Support
This class will teach you how to run Lists, including multiple tournament formats and brackets.
Haymaker's Drink Making
Lady Mergret Dyer
Fighter Support
This class will show you how to create a Haymaker's Drink, the original "Medieval Gatorade" hydration mix!
Junior Marshals
Master Jacques Luis de Normandie
Fighter Support
This class will give you the basics of marshaling for Heavy, Youth Heavy, Rapier, Youth Rapier, and Cut & Thrust and at its conclusion you will be authorized as a Junior Marshal.
Processional, Intent, & Presentation
Princess Mina de filia Philipe
Fighter Support
This class for both fighters & inspirations is focused on the different types of processionals, letters of intent & how to write one, and how to present yourself before a Crown, Coronet, or Baronial Coronet when performing the pageantry of tournaments.
Armor care & maintenance
Sheriff Krista of Starfall
Fighter Support
This class will focus on best practices for maintaining, cleaning, and repairing armor. It will be hands-on, so please feel free to bring items that need repair or cleaning.
Bruise balms & salves
Lady Leah of Misty Shores
Fighter Support
This class will show you how to concoct your own salves & balms to repair after a long day of fighting.
Build a field support kit
Fighter Support
A hands-on class to build a field support kit. Will have a class fee, and you will go home with a functional kit. These also make excellent donations of Largesse!
Best Practice for Pellwork
Lord Bjorn Hammerhand
This class will show you the best ways to make use of a pell, and you may even be able to take home your own pell!
Swords Have Points, and that's the point!
Viscount Antoine à la Langue d'Or
Offense and defense with thrusts in heavy combat
Demo 101
HL Brandubh de Santini
This class is designed to show heavy fighters what works well and what to stay away from when performing your sport at a public Demo.
Worshipping at the Shrine of Range
Master Korwyn Marius Velis Ariannaid
This class is about how to gauge range and find the sweet spot for yourself against any opponent.
Reverse Engineering a Shot
Master Korwyn Marius Velis Ariannaid
This class focuses on how to identify a shot you want to throw, and make it work for you.
From Page to Practice
Catedratiaco Gregorio Cristovalez de la Vega
How to take what you can read about techniques into actual use on the field.
Intro to Smallsword
​HL Morgan Wyrd
An introduction to smallsword, with techniques, safety, and practice.
Start fights like a Neapolitan
Master Hobbe Conyers
This class teaches a practical toolkit of techniques used by 17th century Neapolitian rapier masters to begin an exchange with an advantage.
Techniques for Cloak
Master Eoghan ÓBriain
This class goes over the basics of using cloak as a defensive offhand.
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